Forgiveness and Peace

Everything that is understood will be forgiven. The past is gone when we learn to forgive and forget. The essence of spirit lies about us in unformed states and it is spirit’s nature to take the form of our desires. We are all human beings on the pathway of eternal progress and we all make… Continue reading Forgiveness and Peace


The peaceful mind is calm in the midst of confusion, but the Mind distraught by the events of the day, fearful of the future, introspecting the past, finds no repose and is continuously tormented by itself. Peace is brought about through a conscious Unity of the personal man with the inner principle of life, that… Continue reading Peace

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The Law of Attraction

From Chapter 18 of The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes The one who has learned to love all people will find plenty of people who will return that Love. This is not mere sentiment, and it is more than a religious attitude of mind. It is a deep scientific fact, and one to which… Continue reading The Law of Attraction

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Everything that is understood will be forgiven the past is gone when we learn to forgive and forget. The essence of spirit lies about us in unform state and it is its nature to take the form of our desires. When these desires are harmonious Our Lives will flow along with the current of cosmic… Continue reading Forgiveness

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We have to accept, just as we accept gravity, that there are self-existent spiritual and mental truths which, when known will automatically make us free. We must provide a mold in thought which is equivalent to the thing that we desire. The Law of Mind is a spiritual Power which knows nothing about big and… Continue reading Acceptance

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There is an inner meaning to everything; there is an inside to every fact; there is a hidden cause within every visible effect. This cause is the activity of Spirit. The infinite, which is Limitless, is also what we call the finite, which appears to be limited, but the finite which appears to be limited,… Continue reading Appearances

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Cause and Effect

The Universe holds nothing against us, there is no vindictive God. We cannot destroy the Law but we can and may so alter our position in It that old sequences of cause and effect, which have produced bondage, sickness, trouble, and unhappiness may instantly become converted into new sequences which will produce the opposite results.… Continue reading Cause and Effect

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Thoughts Are Prayers

Today and everyday I am reminded to always remember that our thoughts are our prayers. Our thoughts are our prayers. Now as we are continually thinking, nonstop. Try and stop thinking. Hmmm. So, it follows that we are continually in prayer. Continually. Now, stay with me and let’s go a just a step further. If… Continue reading Thoughts Are Prayers

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