God is accessible to all people, God manifests through all individuals. No two people are alike; each has a unique place in the Universe. of Mind. Every one is a unique expression of divine nature. Let us all bathe in the Joy of Life. If one makes himself receptive to the idea of love he becomes lovable. To the degree that he embodies love, he is love; so whoever becomes receptive to the idea of Peace and poise becomes someone at Peace. Those who embody these Divine realities find themselves filled with a Peaceful, poised, and calm mind There is a place in us which lies open to the infinite. When the spirit brings its gift by pouring itself through us, it can give to us only what we take. If we persist in saying life will not give us that which is good, it cannot. For Life must reveal itself to us through our intelligence. The time is now the place is where we are and it is done unto us as we believe.
Be A Good Student

One cannot be a good student of the Science of Mind when one is filled with fear and confusion. One must keep oneself in a state of equilibrium, in a state of poise, peace and confidence, in a state of spiritual understanding. By spiritual understanding, is not meant anything strange or unnatural, but merely that the belief in goodness must be greater than any apparent manifestation of its opposite. It is this science of faith that we are seeking to uncover. The definite techniques that will conduct our mind through a process of thought, if necessary, to the place which the sublime minds of all ages have reached by direct intuition.
The greatest good that can come to anyone is the forming within oneself of an absolute certainty of oneself and of ones relationship to the Universe, forever removing the sense of Heaven as being outside oneself.
Such an understanding teaches us that there can never come a time when we shall stop progressing. Age is an illusion, that limitation is a mistake. Unhappiness is ignorance. Understanding this will give one a sense of security which knows no fear; A peace without which no life can be happy; A Poise which is founded on this peace; and a power which is the result of the Union of peace and poise. The Joy of Life is always available.
A Complete Majority
One, alone, in Consciousness with the Infinite, constitutes a complete majority. Knowing this in your mind, work in perfect peace and calm, always expect the good. Have enthusiasm and above all have a consciousness of Peace and Love. With a radiant feeling flowing through your Consciousness at all times, treat yourself until you have an inner sense of unity that is all good.
And So It Is

Adapted by Charley Carlin
From the writings of Ernest Holmes