Valentines Day and Love

What better day to talk about love than Valentines day!
We all remember Valentine’s day in elementary, when we were all encouraged to give a Valentine card to everyone in the class. Even then it was easier to give to some and much more difficult for others. Now we talk about love and prayers and good wishes for all sentient beings. No Exceptions. Let’s see what did Dr. Holmes said about this:
Love is the great reality; hate the great negation.
Perfect love casts out fear. As the sun dissolves Darkness, so love conquers hate. Love is a self surrender which, instead of depriving, fulfills. And Love will Find the solution within itself to every problem. Love will answer every question. Love is the center of reality, the heart of the universe, and Love will ultimately win and vanquish every foe.

Thus Love Is the victor in every case. Love breaks down the iron bars of thought, shatters the walls of false belief, severs the chains of bondage which thought has imposed, and sets the captive free.
If you become receptive to the idea of love you become lovable. To the degree that someone embodies love, they are love.

Further Dr. Holmes states on pages 147 and 146
We all have the ability to transcend previous experiences and rise triumphant above them, but we shall never triumph over them while we persist in going through old mental reactions.

We have within us a power which is greater than anything we shall ever contact, a power that can overcome every obstacle in our experience and keep us safe, satisfied, peaceful, healed and prosperous in a new light with a new life. Love is that Power.

And So It Is

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