Thank You Even More

I am conscious that I am surrounded by Divine Love and Infinite Wisdom, and that the Life of God is my Life now. I know that there is nothing in me which can hinder Divine Intelligence from governing my affairs, from daily guiding me into right action. This I affirm that at all times. I know what to do and am impelled intelligently to act on every right impression that comes to me.
I know that the Spirit within me is God. This Spirit, which is perfect, complete and whole, flows through me all the time. The spirit of love and peace permeates my entire being, bringing only that which is good and seeing only that which is good.
I know exactly what to do in every situation. Every Idea necessary for successful living is brought to my attention. The doorway to ever increasing opportunity for self-expression is open before me. I am continuously meeting new and larger experiences. Every day brings some greater good.

Every day brings more blessing and greater self-expression. I am prospered in everything I do. An Abundance of good is mine today. I know there is an inner Presence in everyone and in everything. I know that this Presence responds to me. I know that everyone is an incarnation of God, and that the living Spirit breathes through all. I realize that everything is alive, awake and aware with spirit. I recognize this Spirit and It responds. The Spirit within me reaches out and communes with the Spirit in everyone and everything. It is the same spirit in all, and through all.
I am grateful for this Spirit.
I am grateful for this teaching.
I am grateful for this precious Life

And So It Is

Centers for Spiritual Living

Adopted By Charley Carlin RSCP Retired
From the Writings of Ernest Holmes