Now Is All There Is

Now is all there is – Be Grateful
What Are You Grateful For? I am grateful for all that is behind us and I am grateful for that which lies in front of us, and most of all I am grateful for NOW!
As the year 2020 speeds along, some look to the future with trepidation, some look forward with varying levels of fear. Some are afraid of the future, and some see a promising future. What do you look forward to? What do you reflect upon in the past? Are you grateful for these events in your past? Are you grateful, or at least hopeful, about the future?
Look, do you See your clock? The clock is chiming NOW. NOW the only time there is. Let us be grateful for NOW.
When you are in your car, please note that the rear view mirror is very small, and it is good to check it once and awhile, but you are not going that way. So pay attention to NOW. Consider that the windshield is large, so imagine the unlimited potential of the future. However the important time is NOW. You must pay attention to NOW. Now is where you are.

I am grateful for Now and the one source that is always in the Now, the one power we call many things. Whatever name you use is fine. God is. This source is everywhere at every point around me, every point. This power is in me and part of me. This source is constantly flowing. This source is in the NOW always.
The famous metaphysical reference book Green Eggs and Ham inspired a thought – ‘There is no spot where God is not, There’s not, There’s not, There’s not’ So to correctly interpret this deep thought we must know that God is everywhere and we are somewhere and that is part of everywhere and therefore where ever we are God is. God is, always. This is inescapable. Knowing this, my gratefulness deepens. I know clearly that my life is one with God and forever shall be. This fills me with a great joy that goes from head to toe. It fills the space around me and brings peace and joy to the world. Peace on earth is my vision and I am grateful for the power that spreads that peace and joy. All around the world. All Around the Universe. Every action I take is God Inspired and God Powered. I Take action vigorously and constantly.

I am forever grateful and thankful and appreciative for this. Let there be God Powered action everywhere on earth. Take your Action now. Declare it now and Enjoy your Now forever. Forever grateful.

And So It Is