Ernest Holmes said – It should be considered right to live and to enjoy living – The Science of Mind p 46
A Persian Poet said When all your desires are distilled, you will cast just two votes, to love more and to be happy. Hafez
Ernest Holmes said If one makes himself receptive to the idea of love, he becomes loveable. – The Science of Mind p 151
Gandhi said – It is better in prayer to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.
Ernest Holmes said Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible. . – The Science of Mind p 608
Dare I ask – How is your love for yourself?
How is your love for your friends?
How is your love for others?
How is your love for those in our community?
How is your love for those all around the world?
Or even higher, for all in the world, NO Exceptions, All.
Meditate deeply upon these thoughts and pray without ceasing. For when you purely and completely can do this, sainthood and enlightenment cannot be far away.
Know That The Power Within Blesses All.
The Power Within Me is blessing all mankind, and is forever healing all with whom I come in contact.
The Power Within Me is God, and it must bless and help and heal all.
Silently the work goes on, and silently all are being helped by this inner power which is operating through each and every one of us.
I give thanks that the power of love within is silently blessing and helping everyone.
The life within me blesses all mankind.
The spirit within me blesses all mankind.
The love within me blesses all mankind.
All Mankind – No Exceptions, All Mankind.