10/1/2020 – If . . . daily we are realizing more of Truth and applying it in our actions, then we are on the right path.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 271
10/2/2002 – The possibilities of the Law are infinite, and our possibilities of using it are limitless.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 271
10/3/2020 – The Universe as we see it is not even a fractional part of the Universe that actually is. . .
Ernest Holmes – The Science of Mind – p.104
10/4/2020 – Mind will demonstrate as much Truth as is. Have courage to stand by its affirmations.
Emma Curtis Hopkins
10/8/2020 – Nature seems to await our comprehension of her.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 33
10/9/2020 – Your only responsibility is to uncover the truth.
Ernest Holmes – The Science of Mind – p.20
10/10/2020 – Lies can only survive if we believe them. The truth is still the truth, whether or not we believe it.
Don Miguel Ruiz – The Voice of Knowledge
10/11/2020 – When we realize God and man are One and not two, we shall love both
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 459
10/12/2002 – A practitioner must be filled with the spirit of Divine Compassion.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 238
10/13/2020 – We may pass through good fortune and bad, but if we come to the point where we are not disturbed by things, we have found the secret.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 187
10/14/2020 – Love is the Divine Givingness.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 43
10/15/2020 – Happiness and wholeness fill my entire being with the realization of love and perfection.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 264
10/16/2020 – We have a right to choose what we shall induce in mind.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 144
10/17/2020 – . . . one must see beyond the appearance to that which is basically perfect.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 189
10/18/2020 – We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.
Thich Nhat Hanh
10/19/2020 – A man is what he thinks about all day long.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
10/20/2020 – No words can express your understanding of God. You are it.
Emma Curtis Hopkins
10/21/2020 – What we think of we create; therefore the more we think things spiritual the more spirituality we develop.
Christian D. Larson – The Pathway of Roses
10/22/2002 – . . . the minute I know that God is love, I have no more problems. That ends them. If I know that God is infinitely intelligent and that it is his good pleasure to give me the kingdom, what kind of problem can I have?
Joel S. Goldsmith – The Art of Spiritual Healing
10/23/2020 – Within me is the unborn possibility of limitless living; mine is the privilege of giving birth to it.
Eric Butterworth
10/24/2020 – When we learn to trust the Universe, we shall be happy, prosperous, and well.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 33
10/25/2020 – It is only when we allow the Divine current to flow through us on and out, that we really express life.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 440
10/26/2020 – There are no mistakes, no coincidences; all events are blessings, given to us to learn from.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
10/27/2020 – Without exception, that which you give thought to is that which you begin to invite into your experience.
Esther Hicks
10/28/2020 – The thing that stands between you and the greater good is a thing of thought and nothing else. It is not Reality that you must change, but your mental reaction to it.
Ernest Holmes. – This Thing Called You
10/29/2020 – Our challenge is to see beyond the world and invoke new beginnings.
Marianne Williamson
10/30/2020 – No matter what the lips may be saying, the inner thought out-speaks them, and the unspoken word often carries more weight than the spoken.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 350
10/31/2020 – Declare your freedom. Know that no matter what others may say, think or do, you are a success now, and nothing can hinder you from accomplishing your good.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 302