Spiritual Healing is a result of the constructive use of a mental law. Since we are thinking beings and cannot stop thinking, and since creative mind receives our thought and cannot stop creating, thus creative mind must always be creating something for us.
What we shall attract will depend upon that which our thoughts dwell. Remember – What you think about comes about –
Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere. This is a direct result of conscious and unconscious thought. Through this power we are either attracting something or repelling something.
What are you attracting and repelling? (pause)
Some may help us on the road to realization, but substantiality and permanence can only come through the consciousness of our own life and thought. One must bring themself to the place in mind where there is no misfortune, no calamity, no accident, no trouble and no confusion.
This place is where there is only plenty, peace, power, life, and truth. Go to this place now where there is only plenty, peace, power, life, and truth.
Daily, even hourly, use your name and declare this truth realizing that one is reflecting one’s own statement into consciousness and these statement will be acted upon.
Invoke the divine mind daily, or hourly, and continuously be planting seeds for one’s present and future.
To reduce the whole thing on its simplest form.
Whatever one reflects into mind tends to take form.
We are dealing with intelligence and so lets be intelligent and recognize the power we are working with, realizing our oneness with it, and that we should ask for what we wish and take it, enjoy it, live it, love it, and be it.
We should approach the Law normally and naturally with a sense of ease. It is a natural Law working in a normal way and must be thought of in this light.
We should come to consider the Law and the Spirit as friends and think of them as such. In this way we shall gradually go from good to more good and from peace to greater peace. This is natural.
We should expect the best and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.
We should expect the best and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.
And So It Is

Presented at Central Coast Center for Spiritual Living in Templeton, CA om June 10th, 2019