09/01/19 – What we shall attract will depend upon that on which our thoughts dwell.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 294
09/02/19 – It is easy to sit in judgement upon the behavior of others, but often difficult to realize that every judgement is a self-judgement.
Howard Thurman
09/03/19 – A constant realization of the presence of Spirit will provide a sense of Divine Companionship that no other attitude would produce.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 276
09/04/19 – When all your desires are distilled, you will cast just two votes, to love more and to be happy.
09/05/19 – If one makes himself receptive to the idea of love, he becomes loveable.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 151
09/06/19 – It should be considered right to live and to enjoy living
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 46
09/07/19 – Just as instinct guides the animal, so would intuition guide man, if he would allow it to do so.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 142
09/08/19 – It is better in prayer to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.
09/09/19 – Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 608
09/10/19 – I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.
Louise Hay
09/11/19 – A realization of the presence of God is the most powerful healing agency known to the mind of man.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 145
09/12/19 – They can be like a sun, words. They can do for the heart what light can do for a field
St. John of the Cross
09/13/19 – The universe is not limited. It is abundant, lavish, extravagant. Nothing can be taken from nor added to It.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 465
09/14/18 – The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path is to keep moving.
Pema Chodron
09/15/19 – .. Abundance has always been ours, happiness and peace have always been ours; for they are the very essence and Truth of our being.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 164
09/16/19 – Just as the spider unfolds its web from within its own being, so we must unfold grace, divine wisdom, and divine power from within our own being.
Joel Goldsmith
9/17/19 – When you discover your essential nature and know who really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is and will be.
Deepak Chopra
9/18/19 – This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the day the night, thou canst not be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
09/19/19 – . . .and we all use the creative power of the Universal Mind every time we use our own mind
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 30
09/20/19 – A grateful mind is a great mind, which eventually attracts to itself great things.
09/21/19 – Peace: An inner calm so complete that nothing can disturb it.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 617
09/22/19 – There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen
9.23.19 – We can free ourselves from a feeling of approaching fatigues by knowing that we have within us — always immediately available — an Infinite Strength.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 227
09/24/19 – The day of my spiritual awakening was the day I saw – and I knew that I saw – all things in God and God in all things.
Mechthild Magdeberg
09/25/19 – Today the possibilities of my experience are unlimited. The Spirit flows through me, inspiring me and sustaining the inspiration.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 305
09/26/19 – In order to transform others, you must first transform yourself.
Mahatma Gandhi
09/27/19 – There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
09/28/19 – The thing we look with is the thing we have been looking for,
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 364
09/29/13 – The time is now; the place is where we are, and it is done unto us as we believe.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 151
09/30/19 – The happy outlook on life is always constructive; the understanding heart is filled with sympathy and helpfulness toward all.
Ernest Holmes. – The Science of Mind p 434